A most dangerous spell.
how powerful love words are to affect your subconsciousness.
“I love …” then following word that fill the blank suddenly turn awesome, perfect, without a flaw on your eyes, less than a second.
“I love makeup”
“I love eating”
“I love Cocteau Twins”
“I love you”.
People easily get mesmerized by temporary pleasure and announce themselves that they love that thing, with no doubt. Someone that says those statement even in the heart would never catch the defect side of things they love, except, more often they say the love statement the more they deifying it be.
Makeup enthusiast without chemical side effect awareness, mukbang-vloggers and diabetes or cholesterol, not barely found, tho.
The bad news is, most of the time,
Some of them got tricked to put more suitable word to complete that frickin dangerous spell. Yes, that chronically dangerous spell.
Anyway, as an ordinary pandemic generation with frustrating mask culture, it’s easy-peasy for us to find that something make us piss off that soon are written down on our what-i-hated list memo.
The “I hate the mask and acne and maskne” are typically that common women say in silent or for the worst, yelled out front of the mirror. Even though every lady know exactly that grumbling isn’t a part of skincare steps that could cure her sexy reddish-acne.
Instead of being a big fans of cosmetic brand and idolize the image of your mediocre celebrity which you never miss to like her Instagram feeds or that cutie tweet-celeb that you watch all her TikTok videos and continuously praise how glowing she is. But have you ever thought to change the word after I love with things you often be pissed so you start to see the perfect side for each ugly things you used to think of?
“I love my complexion, my acne”
“I love this mask culture and maskne”
“I love all about me”
Try to prefer fill the blank with the nearest thing.
Love is all we need to be capable enough to handle own fluctuated life. Love is more than admires, cares, or good feelings we feel about every time be around something outside ourselves. Far beyond of those,
Love is a source of life, a primarily fuel that make life feels alive.
As I tweeted before that love is when you concentrate a plenty of high frequency energy toward specific thing. It nourish, empower, and make the things you love perfectly perfect even seemly unreachable by any of creature because of you put it highest. Can you imagine how danger it is if you send the huge magnificent power onto wrong one?