Love is coming to me,
I have no guarantee that you are there beside, in my mysterious future. But here you are surprisingly appear in my present.
I can clearly see your delicate giggles, your slow wink. Gladly hear your passionate story-telling, crunchy jokes, and even touch your cold and dry hand. Till feel the emotions you vibrated and drown into deep empath.
Out of my control, i am enjoying. These roller coaster emotional symptoms. Such as pricey psychotherapy somebody pay from best licensed hypnotherapist of the town. A thing that fulfilled a hole of the long awaited missing puzzle. That’s my thought when meeting you as an amateur fast-concluder.
I am known as an expressive girl, especially when expressing love and appreciation. I am pretty good in it. They are around, told me so. And I approved it, but I skeptically asking myself then.
Am i really capable in it?
Meeting someone called ‘You’ felt different. I didn’t recognize my old self.
Where is the expressive me that everybody known as?
My muscle stiffs, my lips are blocked. My eyes are empty. My act straights down. The one that freely dancing in with the flow and full of warmth just my heart, dynamically.
You are pretty charming when you smile and I want to see it more often.
I can’t rid your pain, nor give you any strength. Something i could trade is availability to be loyal with. Being a seatmate among that sicking unpredictable fluctuating rail. And forgetting how many laps we’ve been through.
Also finding humors between the dangerous extreme stuffs and suffer to keep the game till operator stop the machine and asks to out from the train that commonly called as cruel reality.
Too much hurts you out there. Too many underestimates you. I never wanna ruin you up. Got info that you are OK is the always good news i want to be heard every secs.
Being happy and get pleasure on you isn’t something i should to maintain. Someone told me love is when you feel God in your heart. The time i feel the existence of you something crowd in my chest. Peace. That a complex word that describe what i feel with or without you. Because i just got a thing,
that separation is a physical illusion. And our love beyonds that small matter.
Happy wedding both of beautiful soul, y’all taught me how the way to struggle and keep on belief. Can’t express how glad i am to contribute to your wedding preparations. With love, Teti & Jul.